LEAD Candidate Endorsement: Kate Parker
April 2018
LEAD will release several candidate endorsements between now and November. These endorsements are chosen via votes within our leadership team and are prioritized for candidates who are running for the first time, identify as women (with an emphasis on women of color), and whose platforms appear to support our values of Inclusion, Civility, Action, Social Justice, and Empowerment.
We’re really excited about these motivated, passionate candidates. We’re especially excited to see all of the work LEAD has done to recruit and train candidates for office come to fruition. Let’s change South Dakota.
We’re thrilled to endorse Kate Parker for Sioux Falls School Board. We’ve asked Kate a few questions below. Make sure to vote for her on April 10. Or vote early!

How do you represent LEAD’s core values?
In my role as a school board member, and certainly this year as the Board’s President, I believe in working collaboratively with my fellow board members and the Administration. The consensus building process must be inclusive, meaning that everyone has an opinion and we have to respect that opinion in order to have a thoughtful conversation. It must also be civil, in that we have to respect the opinions of others, even when they might not match our own. When we make decisions as a school board, we must understand that they impact all students, not just one segment; equity is a word we throw around a lot, but that must always be forefront when making decisions. We must also take action. This is a no-brainer for someone currently sitting on a board, but if you do not take action nothing would get done! Ultimately, my job is to empower the Superintendent; he has to feel that he can make decisions without always needing board approval, and we have to trust him to make those decisions. I try to live by all of these values every day in my role as a school board member.
What will you do differently than your predecessors?
I do not know that I would do anything different than I am already doing. I have learned a lot over my last nine years serving on the school board, and I expect I will continue to learn. My job is to listen, to understand the issues, and to make decisions.
What do you want LEAD’s membership to know about you?
I am a mother of two school-age children, Bobby is a 4th grader at Sonia Sotomayor and Jack is a 7th grader at Patrick Henry. I work full time so juggling family, work, and school board is not always easy, but I have a support system that makes it feel effortless at times, and for that, I am thankful, especially to my husband Matt! I believe in public education, and I want to ensure that our children’s educational experience is enriching and academically challenging for all. The Sioux Falls School District is vital for the social and economic growth of Sioux Falls and I so appreciate all the support I have received so I can serve in this capacity.
LEAD | Leaders Engaged & Determined
LEAD South Dakota is a registered 501c(4) nonprofit. LEAD (Leaders Engaged And Determined) is a grassroots organization aimed at bringing awareness to issues facing South Dakota, the United States, and abroad. LEAD exists to foster a community of individuals who empower and encourage women to be actively involved in all stages of the political process in order to effect positive change for women and families in South Dakota.
LEAD is not affiliated with any political party or organization. We are welcoming and inclusive of all people, regardless of race, age, religion, ethnicity, national origin, color, gender identity, disability, sexual orientation, or citizenship.