LEAD South Dakota Community Chapters
Our community chapters strengthen our work by building leadership teams throughout the state. These groups function independently of the state organization through the lens of LEAD South Dakota. They know their communities, the needs, and are highly motivated to promote the mission of LEAD, locally.

Brookings, SD Chapter
The Brookings Chapter of LEAD South Dakota began in February of 2016 as the first chapter. They are an active group with a minimum of three events per month which focus on community, education, and advocacy. With members from neighboring towns, the Brookings group provides opportunities and connections that bridge the gap from rural to city and beyond.
Leadership Team: Jennifer Krauel, Krista Benson, Amanda Hoover, Tammy Olson, Suzanna Hardin, and Toby Uecker.
How to Connect
Connect with the Brookings Chapter of LEAD by:
1. Contacting one of the organizers: See tab above
2. Joining on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/LEADBrookingsSD/
3. Attending an event: Event Listing
Join at any time. No need to wait for the right moment, just pick any event and show up. New members are always welcome.
Are you interested in starting a local chapter?
Our grassroots movement is growing, and we welcome excited, motivated individuals to form leadership teams and local chapters. The statewide organization serves as the guide for local chapters with documents and processes to begin organizing, however, it is the responsibility of the local leadership team to make your chapter active and great! Are ready for the challenge? Let’s talk and prepare for the future!
Chapter Interest Form
LEAD | Leaders Engaged & Determined
LEAD South Dakota is a registered 501c(4) nonprofit. LEAD (Leaders Engaged And Determined) is a grassroots organization aimed at bringing awareness to issues facing South Dakota, the United States, and abroad. LEAD exists to foster a community of individuals who empower and encourage women to be actively involved in all stages of the political process in order to effect positive change for women and families in South Dakota.
LEAD is not affiliated with any political party or organization. We are welcoming and inclusive of all people, regardless of race, age, religion, ethnicity, national origin, color, gender identity, disability, sexual orientation, or citizenship.