History of LEAD South Dakota
LEAD began where many good ideas do, at a happy hour. Our founders, Susan Kroger, Carmen Toft and Carrie Johnson commiserated over the election of 2016 and a political landscape that didn’t support their values. Being motivated, determined women they decided to turn lemons into lemonade (with a splash of vodka) and do something about the situation. That day, Wednesday, November 9, 2016, a plan was hatched.

Quickly, a venue was found, a Facebook event was created, and over lunch, on November 11th a name was given – Leaders Engaged And Determined – LEAD. The news spread quickly and with approximately 24 hours of promotion, a community meeting was held with over 100 women and some progressive men (thank you) in attendance.

A passionate fire was lit at Icon Lounge at 3:30 pm on November 12, 2016. Through PostIt notes, productive discussions and a primal scream it became clear, our focus was getting more women and minorities into office. To have quality representation our elected officials needed to look more like our population. We also needed to make sure those who weren’t ready to throw their hat in the ring had ways to become more politically involved, more educated, more empowered.

LEAD started a community that day. The members would no longer sit back quietly in disapproval of their elected officials but instead lift their voices up together and through grassroots organizing, support candidates who won’t accept politics as usual.

LEAD South Dakota exists to foster a community of individuals who empower and encourage positive change for women and families in South Dakota.

So what happened after that?
2,663 members joined us on Facebook
Feminist Happy Hours
Community Meetings
Book Club Meetings
Educational Trainings
Legislative Coffee Debriefs
Panel Discussions
Restorative Yoga Classes
Letter Writing Events
Group Outings to Movies
1 Article in the Washington Post
Camp Fire Candidate Training in 2018 and 2020
LEAD candidates elected to community boards, school boards, and the state legislature
Hire a part-time lobbyist for the 2019 session

We can’t wait to see what the 2020 election will bring. Join the movement and make history with us.

Here is what our Brookings chapter accomplished
116 members joined us on Facebook
1 Group Outing to attend the Daschle Dialogues
6 Socials
5 Educational Trainings
4 Meetings
3 Feminist Happy Hours
2 Letter Writing Events
1 Farmer’s Market Outreach
1 Veterans Day Women in Service Outreach
1 Feminine Product Drive
1 Book Club Meeting
1 Family Potluck

A look at our first year.

members joined us on facebook
brookings facebook members
feminist happy hours
social gatherings
educational training events
article in the Washington Post

LEAD | Leaders Engaged & Determined

Local Communities


LEAD South Dakota is a registered 501c(4) nonprofit.  LEAD (Leaders Engaged And Determined) is a grassroots organization aimed at bringing awareness to issues facing South Dakota, the United States, and abroad. LEAD exists to foster a community of individuals who empower and encourage women to be actively involved in all stages of the political process in order to effect positive change for women and families in South Dakota.

LEAD is not affiliated with any political party or organization. We are welcoming and inclusive of all people, regardless of race, age, religion, ethnicity, national origin, color, gender identity, disability, sexual orientation, or citizenship.