LEAD Connecting with AG Preview
June 2017

by: Nikki Gronli
Growing up in South Dakota one of my favorite places to spend time was at my aunt and uncle’s dairy farm. The farm meant time training calves for 4H, riding horses and learning to drive my first vehicle, a riding lawnmower. It’s also one of the first places I learned that politics matter.
In the 1980s (yes I am that old), the farm crisis loomed large all over the nation. Rising farming debt combined with our government halting grain exports to Russia, due to their invasion of Afghanistan created the perfect storm. 4.6 million farmers lost their farms. John Mellencamp, Willie Nelson and Neil Young would start Farm Aid to try to bring relief to the nation’s farmers. Going for lunch with my family at any small town cafe or local bar in the ‘80s I heard discussions about the struggles and the frustrations. There might have been some cussing and swearing involved also.

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South Dakota is an ag state. Our number one industry has a $26.5 billion a year impact on the economy. Every community, every business in South Dakota is affected by the success or failure of South Dakota’s farmers and ranchers. Yes, even the Sioux Falls economy.
So what does this have to do with LEAD? If you’re going to understand and participate in politics in South Dakota you need to understand how agriculture affects our economy. On Tuesday, June 20thwe’ll partner with Ag United to bring together LEAD members and local ag leaders for a discussion on key topics. This is a great opportunity to talk about common concerns and look for mutual solutions.
Our event will begin with a tour of our host Boadwine Farms promptly at 5 pm. This local dairy is located just west of I-29 near the Baltic exit. The first 20 to register for the tour will be able to join us to see the 2100 head dairy operation.
“Growing up in South Dakota one of my favorite places to spend time was at my aunt and uncle’s dairy farm.”
At 6 pm we’ll move on to the panel discussion with our local agriculture experts.
- The state of the farm economy – soon to be announced
- Water and Soil Quality – Al Miron, Crooks, SD
- Immigrant labor – Dorothy Elliot, Lake Norden, SD
We’ll then have some appetizers, drinks and conversation. Several local ag leaders and current legislators will be on hand to connect, answer your questions and become your resources for future agriculture issues. We all know great leaders come from having a great network around them.
This event is limited to 50 attendees so please register right away. The tour is limited to 20.
For directions to Boadwine Farms CLICK HERE.

Special thanks to:

LEAD | Leaders Engaged & Determined
LEAD South Dakota is a registered 501c(4) nonprofit. LEAD (Leaders Engaged And Determined) is a grassroots organization aimed at bringing awareness to issues facing South Dakota, the United States, and abroad. LEAD exists to foster a community of individuals who empower and encourage women to be actively involved in all stages of the political process in order to effect positive change for women and families in South Dakota.
LEAD is not affiliated with any political party or organization. We are welcoming and inclusive of all people, regardless of race, age, religion, ethnicity, national origin, color, gender identity, disability, sexual orientation, or citizenship.