Women of LEAD support legislature’s new sexual harassment training
January 2018
Women of LEAD support legislature’s new sexual harassment training
Call it a good first step
January 17, 2018 – As the legislature begins sexual harassment training today in Pierre, members of LEAD (Leaders Engaged and Determined) South Dakota commend them on taking this first step, but believe there is more work to be done. The organization hopes this is the beginning of making the legislative session a safer and more inclusive place for women.
“We were very alarmed to hear about the numerous stories of sexual harassment, even a rape that happened during session in the past. The stories came from lobbyists and also from legislators on both sides of the aisle. It’s unacceptable. Our hope is that this will put a spotlight on the issue and hopefully change behaviors. We expect a professional, productive atmosphere that is welcoming to women.” – Nikki Gronli, LEAD Board Member
The #metoo movement motivated a lobbyist and a former legislator to come forward with their stories from time spent in Pierre. As reporters dug deeper, more victims of harassment came forward. The LEAD organization is relieved to hear that the leadership in Pierre is taking the allegations seriously.
“This training is a good first step, but it can’t be the last. Real change for this issue comes from dismantling the permissive culture in Pierre and electing new leaders to office.” – Susan Kroger, LEAD Co-Chair
Several of LEAD’s board members will be spending time in Pierre during the legislative session as they follow bills of interest to their statewide membership.
“We expect to find legislators that are more aware of the harassment issue and less tolerant of offenders.” – Nikki Gronli
If you have questions please contact:
Susan Kroger at 319-404-8368 or susanckroger@gmail.com
Nikki Gronli at 605-376-3337 or nikkigronli@gmail.com.
LEAD | Leaders Engaged & Determined
LEAD South Dakota is a registered 501c(4) nonprofit. LEAD (Leaders Engaged And Determined) is a grassroots organization aimed at bringing awareness to issues facing South Dakota, the United States, and abroad. LEAD exists to foster a community of individuals who empower and encourage women to be actively involved in all stages of the political process in order to effect positive change for women and families in South Dakota.
LEAD is not affiliated with any political party or organization. We are welcoming and inclusive of all people, regardless of race, age, religion, ethnicity, national origin, color, gender identity, disability, sexual orientation, or citizenship.
Thanks, ladies! We’ve got to let them know we will no longer stand for the harassment and even assault that has been allowed to occur in the past!