Please help us welcome our new Policy Intern, Manaal Ali! Manaal will be working on Get Out The Vote efforts with LEAD including an exciting event that we’ll be announcing in the next two weeks. We’re thrilled to have her with us and we’re excited about the difference she’ll make for several local candidates.

Manaal Ali, a junior at Augustana University, is a double major in sociology and government with a minor in biology. An active member of the campus community, Manaal is the co-founder of Augustana’s Interfaith Reflection Room; co-president and founder of the Augustana Muslim Students’ Association through which she created Hijab Day; co-president of the Better Together Club; a board member for the Diversity and Inclusion Office; and an ambassador for Augustana’s Cultural Exchange Program. She has recently developed HAPPY (Healthy, Accessible, Prevention & Protection for You), an organization dedicated to providing free hygiene products to those in need. In addition to her coursework and campus involvement, Manaal has worked at Sanford research and interned at Lutheran Social Services, working to provide various services to immigrants and refugees. In her free time, Manaal enjoys reading, playing cards, baking, hiking, and Bollywood dancing. She has a deep passion for learning, understanding and helping the world.