Please help us welcome our new Policy Intern, Nadifa Mahamed. We’re thrilled to have her with us and we’re excited about the difference she’ll make during her time with LEAD.

Nadifa Mahamed

Hello, my name is Nadifa Mahamed. I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters. I was born in Chad, North Central Africa. My family left Chad when I was only nine months old due to the civil war and went to Cameroon where I grew up. On December 2, 2010, we arrived in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, our new home. I graduated from Washington High School and I am now a junior in college. My major is sociology with a minor in leadership, focusing on managing non-profit organizations. When I was growing up in Africa in the middle of unrest and civil war, I witnessed many horrors of my people suffering and being mistreated, especially women and children. I made a promise to myself that one day I would do something about this. I am passionate about women’s rights, equality, family, the community and our youth. I am an advocate for peace and finding solutions that will bridge all people, all genders, all religions and all ethnicities so together so we can achieve greatness. I am pushing myself to gain courage and strength to stand up for what’s right and to be a voice for those who don’t have a voice. My goal for the future is to have a non-profit organization that empowers our women, youth and children – everyone included.